WhatsApp is rolling out a new update for Android users, bringing a feature iOS users have enjoyed for some time: in-app video playback. This upgrade allows Android users to watch videos shared through the app without leaving the chat interface, streamlining the user experience and adding a layer of convenience.
Previously, Android users needed to exit WhatsApp or open videos in external applications to view them. This limitation often disrupted the flow of conversations. The new feature, which has been available on iOS for months, supports seamless playback within the chat window, ensuring users can watch videos while continuing their chats uninterrupted.
This change highlights WhatsApp's ongoing efforts to align feature parity across operating systems. With over 2 billion users worldwide, providing consistent functionality on Android and iOS is critical for maintaining user satisfaction.
While an official announcement from WhatsApp hasn’t detailed the timeline for this rollout, early reports indicate it is being gradually introduced in the latest Android beta versions. Users can expect it to become widely available with upcoming updates in the Google Play Store.
For Android users eager to try the feature, checking for the latest app updates is recommended. WhatsApp's focus on enhancing multimedia capabilities underscores its commitment to improving communication experiences for all users.