The world's first flame-throwing robotic dog

The Thermonator is a four-legged robot with Throwflame's flamethrower on its back, and users appear to be able to control the robot using a controller (like a spine) attached to a smartphone.

The robot uses a built-in camera to provide the user with a first-person perspective, while lidar sensors allow it to map the environment to avoid obstacles it might collide with.

What Throwflame really hopes will catch everyone's attention is the ARC flamethrower located on the back of the Thermonator. Using a fast charger, robot dog users can start fires anywhere near them for an hour, with a range of up to 30 feet.

The flamethrower works with gasoline or napalm, both of which can be purchased from the Throwflame website, and can be operated with a smartphone from a distance of up to 100 meters, according to the company.

Throwflame says its flame-throwing robotic dog is aimed at public and private sectors, including firefighting and prevention services, the food and beverage industry, environmental groups, snow and ice removal companies, and special effects studios.

Currently, anyone can buy a Thermonator robot dog for $9,420 on the Throwflame website. In particular, the company did not discuss a license to use the robot dog, nor any actual restrictions that would limit its distribution.

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