iPad sales are declining

Apple announced its financial results for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2023, with sales of iPad tablets declining by 25% year-on-year.

Total sales of iPad tablets reached about $7 billion in the last quarter of 2023, compared to about $9.4 billion in the same period last year.

2023 will be the first year in which iPads will not be launched, which, along with declining global demand for smartphones, tablets and computers, is one of the reasons for the decline in iPad sales throughout the year.

Although iPad sales have declined significantly, it is still ahead of other Android tablets and has become the best-selling device in the tablet market.

Apple plans to launch new iPads this spring, including iPad Pros with older screens and higher prices, which could help boost sales in the tablet industry.

Apple's total revenue for the quarter was more than $119 billion, with iPhone sales, driven by the iPhone 15, representing the largest share of revenue at more than $69 billion, bringing the total number of active Apple devices to 2.2. Billion devices around the world.

In particular, the services sector continues to grow, reaching record sales of more than $23 billion, while sales of wearables, home appliances, and accessories combined reach nearly $12 billion.

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