YouTube makes it easy to find educational first aid videos

Video sharing platform YouTube has announced new changes to its search results to prioritize short educational videos that explain the basics of first aid in emergency and critical situations when searching for help using relevant keywords.

The platform said on its official website that it will help find explanatory videos that explain step-by-step the mechanisms for providing basic first aid through trusted health organizations.

Depending on the platform, these clips appear at the top of search results and are designed to be easy to understand so non-experts can quickly find reliable, actionable first aid instructions without complex instructions.

YouTube's selection of educational videos covers a variety of emergency situations such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), choking, bleeding, heart attacks, strokes, seizures, and more.

YouTube partners with several professional medical organizations to provide relevant content, including the American Heart Association and the Mexican Red Cross.

Healthcare first aid videos are broadcast in English and Spanish for the first time in the United States. YouTube promises to add more countries and languages in the future.

In particular, YouTube reported that some clips broadcast in Spanish were synced using Aloud, an AI-based synchronization tool to overcome language barriers.

New changes are appearing on YouTube's search results pages as the platform partners with the American Heart Association to launch cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) courses, available for free on YouTube, designed to help people without medical training in CPR learn the basics of CPR. In the event of cardiac arrest, use your hands only.

It is important to note that these efforts do not replace the need to request emergency medical services in the event of an emergency or transport the injured person to the nearest medical center to obtain specialized medical care.

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