The most notable difference between Bing chat bot in Skype and My AI in Snapchat

Both the Snapchat and Skype apps have AI chat bots where the Snapchat app has My AI bot and Microsoft's Bing chat bot is available in the Skype app.

Users can make use of these bots while using apps, asking various questions, asking for ideas on specific topics, and more. Although both are available in messaging apps, when you use them you will find that bots respond to requests differently.

Here are 5 major differences between My AI Bots in Snapchat and Bing Chat in Skype:

1- Language model:

Like the free version of ChatGPT, My AI bot for Snapchat is based on the GPT 3.5 language model, a language model developed by OpenAI to group text and mimic human style. Don't expect the same quality of responses though, ChatGPT bots trained on OpenAI with a lot more data than Snapchat.

The Bing chat bot in Skype is based on the modern GPT-4 language model. It provides smooth and accurate output, and using it will give you more detailed answers as it has been trained on a dataset larger than GPT-3.5.

2. Provide location-based answers:

Snapchat and Skype store location data, and my AI bots will suggest exact locations when specific locations are requested. It uses your current location to find places near you, eg restaurants, hospitals, and gas stations. However, Bing bots cannot detect nearby locations. Instead, only ways to get around are suggested, for example using Google Maps.

3- Data accuracy:

Bing Chat and My AI answer frequently asked questions. However, Bing provides more reliable output because it pulls real-time data from the web and includes various stories such as celebrity gossip and current global sporting events.

My AI dataset is limited because it is based on the ChatGPT bot language model and has no knowledge of events after 2021. In addition, my AI bots are prone to so-called AI hallucinations.

4- Accuracy in solving math problems:

My AI bot and my Bing chat bot can solve math problems. But my AI lacks precision and users can trick it into entering wrong answers.

Bing Chat in Skype is good at math, it not only answers questions correctly but also provides multiple ways to solve math problems. You can't fool Bing with wrong answers, it confirms even if you tell it you got a different answer than someone else's. This is the original answer they gave.

5- Access features:

Bing chat bot is available by default for most Skype users. Simply type Bing in the search bar and it will appear in the Robots section. Click on it to create a private chat window. Snapchat's My AI bot launched as a beta feature exclusively for Snapchat Plus subscribers in February 2023, before Snapchat opened the chat bot to all users.

While Snapchat's AI bot can crack jokes, identify nearby places to visit, and answer general questions, the output it provides is inconsistent and imprecise.

On the other hand, Bing Chat in Skype gives more professional and accurate answers, can provide information about current events, and you can use it to do things quickly, for example: write emails, summarize long articles, and so on.

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