How do you use ChatGPT on WhatsApp?

Artificial intelligence bots such as ChatGPT are proven to make many tasks easier, such as: such as writing articles, stories, and poems, summarizing books and long articles, writing code, etc. Not only that, many of them generate images from text. On the other hand, there are many bots that support chatGPT. You can use them in the messaging app, and talk to them directly through Telegram or WhatsApp. If you use them, you don't have to quit the messaging app because these bots will respond to give you ideas, some of them create images that you can save directly to your phone and use for many purposes.

If you are looking for a way to use ChatGPT in WhatsApp (the most popular messaging app in the world), you can use one of the ChatGPT-enabled bots or use the Microsoft Swiftkey keyboard which has an -in- button that allows you to access the Bing chat bot either In WhatsApp or other apps. We explain how this works here:

How to add ChatGPT to WhatsApp using a chatbot:

You can use many ChatGPT-enabled chatbots in WhatsApp including: WizAI, Buddy GPT, Roger Da Vinci, Shmooz AI, Mobile GPT, and WhatGPT.

The way to use these bots is similar, all you have to do is go to the bot website and click on the home button and you will be taken directly to the WhatsApp chatbot as if you were talking to any of your phone contacts.

To make the process more clear, we will mention below how to use Shmooz AI bot:

  1. Open your phone's web browser app and go to the Shmooz AI website.
  2. On the home page, click on the green (Start Shmoozing) button.
  3. You will move to another screen where you will find the (continue chat) button, click on it.
  4. You will be automatically redirected to WhatsApp to chat with the Shmooz AI bot.
  5. Enter your request and hit the submit button, the bot will respond to your request.

Apart from text responses like writing a story or answering questions about math, physics, etc., you can also use this bot to create images. Just add the word "image" before the description and you will get an AI-generated image with a resolution of 1024 x 1024.

Note, however, that the ChatGPT bot for WhatsApp can only make very limited claims. You'll need to register to continue chatting with her, which can cost around $10 per month depending on the bot you choose.

How to use ChatGPT in WhatsApp via Swiftkey:

The Microsoft Swiftkey keyboard includes a built-in button that allows you to use Bing chat bots, which are based on the latest GPT-4 language model and run an updated version of ChatGPT. Here we explain how to use it:

  1. Download Microsoft SwiftKey to your phone.
  2. Customize your phone's settings to make SwiftKey your favorite keyboard. To do this, open the pre-installed keyboard on your phone in WhatsApp, then tap the globe icon and a list of available keyboards will appear.
  3. In the popup, select Microsoft SwiftKey as your preferred keyboard.
  4. Click the Bing Chat icon in the upper left corner.
  5. At the top you'll see three options: Search, Sounds, and Chat.
  6. Select Chat to start using the Bing Chat chatbot.

You can always use the Bing chat bot built into SwiftKey Board for free in WhatsApp or other apps, eg b. If you are talking to one of your friends on WhatsApp and want to search or confirm from the web, there is no need to chat, you can ask Bing bot and get an answer without closing your chat or WhatsApp.

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