How can I use WhatsApp new chat blocking feature to protect my privacy?

WhatsApp is the most used instant messaging app in the world. We usually use it at work to communicate with friends, family, and co-workers, which means you can have private conversations that you don't want to. Others see, so the app offers certain features to help you protect your data and privacy.

Yesterday, WhatsApp started rolling out a new feature called (Chat Lock) to help users protect their secret chats.

The chat block feature gives you more privacy to protect the conversations you don't want to see because it moves the chats you want to protect from your inbox to a folder you specify (block chats). It can only be unlocked using your device password or biometrics such as your fingerprint.

When you send a new message in a conversation in a folder (Blocked conversations), the sender's name or the content of the message will not appear in the notification because the notification will show the name (WhatsApp: New Message) but the connection will be unlocked as all contacts of all contacts will still appear in the chat . open or customize. In addition, you can block individual or group calls.

Note: If you have enabled chat blocking on your phone, chat will only be blocked on that phone. If you connect other devices to WhatsApp, for example a computer, tablet or smartwatch, chatting on these devices will not be blocked. associated devices.

Here's how to use WhatsApp's chat blocking feature to protect your privacy:

  • Access the WhatsApp application on your phone.
  • Go to the individual or group chat you want to protect.
  • In the top right, tap the name of the person or group you want to message to access their settings page.
  • Scroll down until you get to the "Chat Block" option. Then click on it.
  • Click the switch next to the option to turn on the option (Lock this chat with your fingerprint).

How can I use WhatsApp's new chat blocking feature to protect my privacy?

To access blocked chats:

As mentioned earlier, WhatsApp hides locked chats in its own folder that is not visible after opening the app. However, you can access it by following these steps:

  • Access the WhatsApp application on your phone.
  • Scroll down the chat list. A new folder will appear at the top called (Blocked Chats). Click on it.
  • Enter your phone passcode or tap the fingerprint sensor to unlock it.
  • You will see a list of all chats that you have blocked. Click on the chat you want to view or send a message.

It should be noted that WhatsApp started rolling out the feature in a few countries yesterday and it will be rolling out globally in the coming weeks. So if you don't see it in your app right now, wait a bit.

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