Tips for making searching easier in the Mail app on a Mac computer

If you're an Apple Mail app user, there are several ways to improve searching for specific emails within the app, making it faster and easier to find what you're looking for.

In this article, we list a number of tips that users can use to simplify the search process in the Mail app on Mac computers:

1- Use keyboard shortcuts:

To more easily find a specific email in the Mail app on your Mac computer, or a specific word in the body of a particular message, you can use keyboard shortcuts. try; Follow these steps:

  1. Open the messaging app.
  2. Press the keys (Options, Command and F), this activates the search box in the upper right corner, after which you can start searching for specific emails.
  3. To search for the text of a specific message, press the two keys (Command and F) and start the search.

2- Search for a specific mailbox:

By default, when you search for an email, the Mail app displays search results for all mailboxes. This will increase the search results and you will have to search for the email again in the search results that are displayed.

To make the process easier, select a specific mailbox from the sidebar, where you can select Inbox, Drafts, Sent Mail, or any other mailbox.

You can do this if you are sure of the location of the email you are looking for. However, searching a specific mailbox may not return any results if you select the wrong mailbox. For example, the email you're looking at might be in the draft mailbox, but you're looking at the sent mailbox. In this case, it's best to search all mailboxes instead.

3- Choose what you are looking for:

When searching for emails, specify what you're looking for by adding the sender's name or typing in a specific word that represents the content of the message. For example, type picture (picture) to search for emails with an attached picture, or type the starred word (starred) to see all emails you've starred.

You can also try using natural language search by typing something like: additional pics of Will or Jen in garden clubs and you'll get specific results that match what you're looking for.

4- Use quotes:

When you type a specific phrase into the messaging app's search box, you'll get results for each word, not the entire phrase. For example, typing the phrase (scientific research meeting photo) will show you all emails that contain the image, all emails that mention the word (conference), all emails that mention the word (research), and all emails that mention the word (research). The letter that refers to the word (search). Email messages related to the word (search). The word (flag) is associated with it, which means you will get a lot of emails in the search results.

But you can narrow your search in the messaging app by putting quotes in the search box, so the phrase we mentioned in the previous example would be “meeting photo search.” This way, you will only get results that match the entire statement.

5- Select a specific date:

If you're looking for emails that were received or sent during a specific period of time, you can narrow your search results by adding specific dates. Example: If you want to find all emails from May 2021, enter: May 2021 in the search field.

Or you can search by specifying a date range, ex: "6/2/20-12/2/20" to show all emails from that period. You can also search by entering a specific date and search term together.

6- Change some settings to search all mailboxes:

By default, the Mail app does not mark the Junk Mailbox. To find messages likely to appear there, you need to enable the "Spam" option in the search parameters. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Mail app on your Mac computer, click Mail Options in the menu bar, then choose Preferences.
  2. In the context menu, click General Options.
  3. Enable Show (unwanted) when searching all mailboxes, including department search results.

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