The most useful artificial intelligence tool for programmers

The ubiquity of chatbots (ChatGPT) and similar AI tools has prompted people to find ways to use them for professional, educational, or personal purposes.

Some programmers, especially more experienced ones, find generative AI tools like ChatGPT bots to be no threat to them, but currently see them as very valuable tools as they rely on them to automate certain tasks, for example. B: Quickly build frameworks, plan application designs, provide information on how to organize data, what UI functions are needed, and so on.

But (ChatGPT) bots focus on text generation, not code generation, so today we are going to review some alternative AI tools to ChatGPT bots that are useful for programmers:

1- GitHub Copilot Bot:

The most useful AI tool for programmers

Microsoft's GitHub has partnered with chatbot development company (ChatGPT) (OpenAI) to build a bot (GitHub Copilot) based on generative AI to help programmers and developers focus more on their productivity focus without having to disclose it. Boring and repetitive tasks.

The Copilot bot from GitHub suggests entire lines of code for different programming languages as you write your code. It supports multiple programming languages including: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Go, PHP, C++, C#, Java, HTML, CSS, SQL, and Shell.

The bot also helps programmers quickly find bugs in code that doesn't work properly and gives suggestions on how to avoid coding errors.

The GitHub Copilot bot has been trained on the billions of lines of code and projects available on GitHub, so it translates natural language instructions into code in different programming languages. The bot also shares suggestions based on the context and style of the project, allowing programmers to get customized code.

Developers who have used GitHub Copilot bot say that it is very useful for many tasks such as: b. When creating a database, upfront saving them more time and allowing them to focus on the more important work on the project.

GitHub Copilot bots are also available as plugins in Visual Studio Code, Open Source Script Editor, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains.

Price: The bot (GitHub Copilot) isn't free, but there is a 60-day free trial, after which you'll need to sign up for a $10-per-month personal plan or a dedicated enterprise plan (Copilot for Business).

2- Codeium Tool:

The most useful AI tool for programmers

Codeium uses AI to generate code from natural language hints or previous code snippets, simplifies test-driven development (TDD) by creating custom test cases, and can find API endpoints and inject them into your code based on context or comments you write .

The tool is trained on large amounts of public code data and supports more than 40 programming languages including: Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C++, Go, Rust, etc.

Codeium can also be integrated with many popular integrated development environments (IDEs), such as b: VS Code, JetBrains, Jupyter/Colab Notebooks, Neovim, Emacs, and VSCode web IDEs such as Gitpod.

It should be noted that an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that helps programmers develop code efficiently because it combines editing, building, testing, and packaging functions in a single application. Just as writers use text editors and accountants use spreadsheets, programmers use Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) to simplify their tasks.

Pricing: Individuals can use Codeium for free forever, but teams and companies must subscribe to the Enterprise plan because it offers powerful features such as: b. Codeium integrates with their servers or cloud services to ensure that their code stays private.

3- CodeWhisperer:

Amazon has developed third-party software (CodeWhisperer) based on automation technology in order to help programmers and developers increase the productivity of created products with code rule suggestions around context and feedback from developpeurs.

CodeWhisperer is similar to rollout aids, with one key difference, and is mainly centered around efficient AWS-wide code.

CodeWhisperer is available in a cadre de la box à outils AWS IDE or s'intègre aux IDE popularized by JetBrains, Visual Studio Code, AWS Cloud9 or the AWS Lambda console, plus pre-launched for shipping Programming languages: C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and TypeScript.

Definition: Selon le site Web de l'outil, les developer peuvent utiliser CodeWisperer free pendant la period de prévisualisation, mais la société n'a fait aucune, des plans d'abonnement qui seront available après la fin de la period de prévisualisation.

4- Kodezi Tool:

Kodezi Tool

L'outil (Kodezi) se présente comme: Grammaire - célèbre outil de correction des erreurs de langage textuel et de grammaire - for les programmers, il leur permet d'obtenir une automatique correction de leur code, de corriger les erreurs dans le code qu 'ils ont deja écrit et de convertir le code en une autre program style language in temps réel.

L'outil fournit également des Suggestions de code Basees sur le context, les équipes peuvent facilement partager du code entre elles et easy processus de development piloté par les tests (TDD).

Prix: Kodezi propose 3 action plans: le premier est le plan free: il offer des fonction nalités limitées, car il ne prend en charge que 15 languages de programme; le second est le plan professionnel: $7 par mois d'abonnement, il offer beaucoup de fonctionnalités, dont: le support for 30 languages de program, accès au modèle d'apprentissage Advanced Automated et autres fonctionnalités, le troisième pire plan: un For small and medium-sized enterprises and companies, vous devez contacter l'équipe commerciale pour obtenir un devis personnalisé.

5- Tabnine tool:

AI tools plus tools for programmers

L'outil tabnine s'appuie sur l'intelligence générative Artificial for predire et propositions lignes de code suivantes en fonction du contexte ou des commentaires. Il prend également en charge Plus 30 programming languages Note: JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, Rust, Go et Bash. .

L'outil aid à améliorer the qualité du code and suggested des Complétions de code qui correspond au style de programmers programming.

Tabnine s'intègre aux environment de development intégrés (IDE) popularized by Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, Atom, PhpStorm, SublimeText, Android Studio and JetBrains IDE.

Prix: Tabnine Tools proposes three plans d'abonnement: le premier est gratuit, mais n'offre que l'achèvement de shortcode; The second is a $12/month subscription for the service recipient; le troisième est destiné aux organization Oui, vous devez contacter le service commercial équipe pour les prix.

6- Codex platform:

The company (OpenAI) developed a board (Codex) based on a model of the language (GPT-3) dans le but de faire ce que font les developed and d'augmenter la productivité si elle l'entraîne en language naturel et des milliards de lignes de code pour générer des données à partir de code pour la saisie de texte, la plate-forme devrait s'appuyer sur le new model de langage GPT-4.

Codex pour une variété de taches, notamment: convertir des commentaires textuels en code, full automatiquement la ligne ou la fonction suivante en Contexte, adder des commentaires et récrire du code pour améliorer l'efficacity.

The board-shaped Codex features a robust overcharge for the Python programming language, and will be added to the cost of additional programming languages such as: JavaScript, Go, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Swift, TypeScript, SQL, and My Shell. It is available via the OpenAI Codex API, and is available for application integration development. Codex alimente désormais 70 different applications for a variety of uses via API OpenAI, the announced community.

7- Askcodi tool : 

Askcodi tool

AskCodi is an all-in-one tool that helps programmers and developers generate code quickly because it includes different applications for creating different types of code. For example, it can answer questions about creating front-ends and test cases in test-driven development, and help you quickly build databases from scratch with SQL or NoSQL queries by asking questions and getting answers in natural language.

The tool includes the most popular programming languages and frameworks as it supports more than 30 programming languages and frameworks such as: Kotlin, JavaScript, Angular, Ruby, Swift, Ruby, Python, Rust, etc.

It also provides answers to WordPress and Powershell questions and can be used on the developer's machine or integrated with IDEs such as VS Code and PyCharm.

The most important difference is that besides English, it supports many natural languages, such as B: German, Polish and Spanish. Translates code from one programming language to another.

Pricing: AskCodi offers three subscription plans, the first is free with limited features, the second is a personal subscription for $8 per month that offers many features, and the third is a business plan.

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