Report: Email Security Is Stressing Businesses Like Never Before

All companies are under unprecedented pressure when it comes to email security, according to a new report from cybersecurity firm Egress.

99% of web security managers say they stress email security and 98% say they are frustrated with secure email gateways. More than half (53%) are concerned that many phishing messages bypass "secure email gateways".

Things will only get worse as cybercriminals continue to improve their tactics and use AI techniques to coax attacks in deeply disturbing ways, said Jack Chapman, vice president of threat intelligence at IGRS.

Companies are also concerned about the consequences of phishing attacks. The report found that customer and employee absenteeism was one of the top negative impacts of inbound email security incidents, adding that nearly nine in ten (86%) organizations surveyed were negatively affected by inbound email security incidents. More than four in five (85%) said a successful phishing attack resulted in an account takeover.

More than half (54%) of customer failures result in financial losses, while in 40% of incidents, employees choose to leave the company. The most common types of phishing attacks include malicious URLs and attachments, social engineering, and supply chain hijacking.

But it's not just about falling victim to phishing emails. Employees often make unintentional mistakes that lead to cyber security incidents, which are more common than cyber attacks.

In fact, 91% of cybersecurity managers say their employees have compromised sensitive data via email, for the most common reasons: reckless or dangerous behavior, such as sending data to personal accounts for remote work, and artificial errors, such as sending an email. with sensitive content at the wrong address and data theft, for example b- data theft while it is being transferred to another company.

While traditional technology (the secure email gateway) remains the cornerstone of every organization's email security suite, 98% of security managers are frustrated with their solutions and say they are ineffective at preventing accidental emails from being sent to the wrong people. Accidentally (58%), prevents phishing emails from reaching your inbox (53%), and takes a long time (50%).

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