How to improve the audio quality of FaceTime calls on iPhone

FaceTime is one of the most popular apps for iPhone users to make audio and video calls and includes features such as the ability to convert spoken conversations to text (Live Caption), enhanced video calling (portrait mode) while sharpening the image, reducing background image blur, and many other features.

Starting with the release of iOS 15, Apple introduced Sound Isolation in FaceTime to improve the sound quality during calls. This feature suppresses background noise, such as children playing in nearby rooms or cars outside your home, for example, so that others can hear you clearly during FaceTime calls.

To turn on FaceTime noise isolation:

You won't find the Sound Isolation feature in the iPhone's Settings app, but you have to enable FaceTime first. But after turning it on for the first time, it stays on the next time you're on a FaceTime video call.

Here's how to enable sound isolation on your iPhone:

  1. Join a FaceTime video call.
  2. Swipe down from the top-right corner of the screen to access Control Center.
  3. Click the microphone position near the top-right corner of the screen.
  4. Click on the option to isolate the language.

How to improve the audio quality of FaceTime calls on iPhone

How to activate the Wide Spectrum feature:

Mic mode offers another sound isolation feature called Broad Spectrum, and while Sound Isolation silences other noises around you, Broad Spectrum enhances group singing without sacrificing the purity of your voice.

This feature is great for Group FaceTime calls or when you have a large group of people who want to talk to each other. Example: If you have a sibling in another country and you and your family want to celebrate an occasion with them, the broad spectrum function can help improve the singing voice of the whole family.

To turn this feature on, follow the same steps to turn on Sound Isolation, but instead of choosing Sound Isolation, choose Broad Spectrum and the feature will remain active in FaceTime for the next call.

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