How to check your Windows PC's battery status

The computer battery is one of the essential elements that affect the performance of the computer, so it is very important to check the status of the computer battery regularly and take the necessary measures to correct, maintain or replace it when necessary.

This article shows you how to check the battery health of a Windows computer by creating a battery report that contains data about current battery performance and allows you to monitor battery capacity degradation and other information:

To generate a battery report in Windows 10 and Windows 11:

Whether your computer is running Windows 10 or Windows 11, you can generate a battery report on your computer by following these steps:

1- Click the Start icon and select Windows PowerShell (Administrator) from the list that appears. A popup may appear asking for permission to make changes to your computer. Click the "Yes" button.

2- A PowerShell window will appear where you can enter commands to automate certain tasks.

3- Type: ("powercfg / batteryreport / output" C: \ battery-report.html) in the window and press Enter to run the command.

How to check your Windows PC's battery status

4- PowerShell will then display the name and location of the file containing the battery life report on your computer. The file name is battery-report.html and it is saved on C drive.

How to generate a battery report in Windows 10 and Windows 11

5- Close PowerShell.

6- Open File Explorer and go to the C: drive in Windows 10 or if your computer is running Windows 11, go to This PC and click on the operating system (C:).

7- You will notice that the battery life report is saved as an HTML file named battery-report.html.

8- Double click on the file to open it in a web browser.

View battery report

The report determines the battery health, performance, and battery life of your computer. At the top of the battery report, you can see basic information about your computer, followed by the battery specifications.

View battery report

In the (Recent Usage) section, you can see a table showing how long your computer has been used on battery power or while connected to a power source in the past 3 days.

View battery report

The Battery Capacity History section shows how the charge capacity has changed over time. The right side shows the basic charge capacity of the computer battery and the left side shows the current capacity of the computer battery at full charge, which may decrease over time as you use the computer more frequently.

View battery report

In the Battery Life Estimates section, you can see how long your battery should last based on base capacity on the right, and how long it will actually last on a full charge on the left.

At the end of the report, you'll find an estimate of your current battery life. In the case shown, the computer has been running for 6:02:03 hours based on the primary battery capacity, but is currently running for 4:52:44 hours.

How to check your Windows PC's battery status

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