Google Drive solutions cannot upload files

With Google Drive, you can easily upload, edit, view, and share files. However, sometimes there may be problems uploading files from your computer to the cloud storage.

There are many reasons why uploading files to Google Drive fails, including: network errors, insufficient space in Google Drive, backup and sync not working properly, files are too large to upload, etc.

Today we are going to go through different ways to help you solve this problem:

1- Check the status of your Google Drive:

If you are having issues with Google Drive, first check if the service is out, ie h. It is very rare that the service itself does not work, but verification does not take much time and will save you time. It will spend a lot of energy and time searching for non-existent problems with your device.

Check Google Drive status; You can visit the Google Workspace Status Dashboard page. This page contains status information for services that are part of Google Workspace.

As you can see in the image below, on the 27th of February I had problems with Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive and other Google services.

Google Drive solutions cannot upload files

If you encounter problems on this page, simply wait for the service to be backed up so you can download your files.

2- Check the available space in Google Drive:

Google offers 15GB of Google Drive storage for free, which is a lot compared to the 5GB offered by Apple and Microsoft in OneDrive and iCloud, but it's very easy to fill up.

The files you can upload to Google Drive include documents, photos, audio clips, and videos, as well as emails from Gmail and any high-resolution photos and videos you upload to Google Photos.

Also, when you upload a file to Google Drive, it takes up some of your storage space, even if you upload the file to a folder owned by another user.

To check available Google Drive storage space, you can follow the steps below:

  • Go to
  • You can find details of the storage used and how to allocate it: Google Drive, Gmail and Google Photos, as well as back up your phone.
  • If your storage is full, you can find an upgrade option in one of the paid plans (Google One). As you can see from the image below, Google Photos occupied more than 99% of the available storage and phone backup was disabled.

Google Drive solutions cannot upload files

If this happens to you; Of course, you cannot upload files from your computer to the service until you delete certain files and photos or subscribe to one of the paid plans offered by Google, and a warning will appear in the service as shown below:

There is no storage space

3- Batch download files:

There is a file size limit when uploading files to Google Drive. Individual paid Google plan users are limited to uploading 750 GB per day between My Drive and your total shared storage. Users who reach the 750 GB limit and upload files larger than 750 GB will not be able to upload additional files for the day.

Therefore, if this limit is exceeded, the file cannot be uploaded and the only option is to split the file into multiple files or compress the file to less than 750GB before uploading.

4- Disable your ad blocker:

If you are having trouble downloading files from your computer and you have an ad blocker plugin installed on your browser, try disabling it when downloading files or whitelisting Google Drive.

5- Clear browsing data:

The browser automatically saves cookies, cached data, and other data; However, to make web browsing easier, sometimes this data may also cause browsing problems such as: B: Files cannot be loaded. So if the problem occurs again when uploading files to Google Drive, you should clear your browsing data.

To clear Chrome browser cache, you can follow the steps below:

  • Access the Google Chrome browser on your computer.
  • Click the menu icon (three vertical dots) in the upper right corner, then click More tool options from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the Delete navigation data from option.

Clear cache in Chrome

6- Use a different browser:

If the previous solutions did not solve the problem, try using a different browser than the one downloaded on Google Drive and update your browser to the latest version.

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