Free course at Harvard University to learn computer science

The field of computer science is an evolving field. Computer scientists use technology to solve a variety of problems in different fields. Its areas of work include: space exploration, finding loopholes in the genetic code of dangerous viruses, and creating programs that allow a drone or robot to perform the tasks assigned to it.

As a computer scientist, you can work in power grids and manufacturing plants, create software that runs cell phone towers, create and improve targeting systems for smart weapons, or build websites.

You can also design algorithms to create smartphone apps, control complex machines or factories, simulate complex processes to make predictions, optimize business processes, analyze big data to discover patterns, automate manual tasks, artificial intelligence, create learning functions that run quickly and reliably, and diagnose diseases accurately.

Due to the diversity of the field of work, the job opportunities in this field are almost unlimited. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in computer and information technology professions is expected to increase by 21% through 2031. In addition, the industry is full of ambitious startups that promise interesting jobs and projects.

It has also helped spur the growth of related majors due to the growing demand for people with computer skills, as the number of master's degrees in computer science, information technology, and support services has nearly tripled in the past decade.

Many international universities and major technology companies offer courses to help you develop your skills in this field, and today we will review what Harvard offers:

Course: Introduction to computer science

Harvard's CS50: Introductory Computer Science course covers more than just programming languages. It will help you think in terms of computers and solve programming problems effectively, making you a master in the field, capable of succeeding in any branch of computer science.

The learning experience in this course is very interesting and challenging. After completing the course content, you will solve a series of problems, write and deliver code, and your solution will be evaluated. The problems you will solve are inspired by real-world scenarios in different fields such as biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. The course includes approximately 9 problem sets and a final project.

The course is 12 weeks long, with an expected study time of 6 to 18 hours per week, and the course also includes tests and practical exercises. The course is completely free, but the certificate costs $149.

What will you learn in this course?

  • Broad and deep understanding of computers and programming.
  • How to think algorithmically and solve programming problems effectively.
  • Learn about concepts such as abstraction, algorithms, data structures, resource management, security, software architecture, and web development.
  • Familiarity with multiple programming languages including: C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript, as well as CSS and HTML.
  • Apply everything you learn to real-world projects and challenges by learning through problem sets inspired by real-world fields such as biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, gaming, and more.
  • You will learn how to develop a final programming project and present it to your colleagues.

Course details:

  • Course duration: 12 weeks.
  • Free.
  • Level: suitable for beginners.
  • With Certificate: Yes, but it costs $149.

Harvard University offers a course (CS50: Introduction to Computing) on the Edx platform, one of the world's leading online education platforms, which was founded in 2012 as a non-profit initiative in partnership with Harvard University and MIT, and is now partnered with more than 160 universities And a company that offers thousands of training courses.

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