Twitter Marks Accounts That Pay For The Blue Verification Mark
Twitter Marks Accounts That Pay For The Blue Verification Mark

Twitter decided yesterday to shut down its monthly subscription service, Twitter Blue, after the chaos caused by the misuse of the blue verification badge that subscribers received.

Twitter Blue's $7.99 monthly subscription promises users additional features beyond the blue check mark, such as: b. Advertising split in half, tweet editing, and the ability to post longer videos, but none of these features have been rolled out yet.

In the short time that the paid service was introduced, the company gladly allowed users to get the blue certificate mark.

After receiving the badge, many were surprised by one thing Twitter didn't reveal, which is that the company distinguishes between people who have paid for the badge and well-known accounts.

Although difficult to say at first glance; Since the label appears the same on all verified accounts, clicking on the label on desktop or mobile will display the reason for verification.

Twitter wrote "This account has been verified as a Twitter Blue follower" for accounts with blue ticks. In addition to the previously registered account, they wrote: "This account has been verified; as it is known in the areas of government, news, entertainment, or other specified categories."

This is a welcome move by Twitter to differentiate verified accounts, but it may not be enough as not everyone wants to click on a hashtag to find out why they are being verified.

For this reason, it seems that the company only decided yesterday to return the additional documents that were officially available only for one day and then deleted a few days ago. Another said: Banned from changing the display names of Blue Twitter followers.

It should also be noted that Twitter has decided to prevent new registrations on the platform from receiving a blue verification badge, indicating that all accounts created on or after November 9th do not currently sign up for the TwitterBlue service.

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