Xiaomi launched the Redmi Notebook with an 8.5-inch screen and a stylus
Xiaomi launched the Redmi Notebook with an 8.5-inch screen and a stylus

Xiaomi has officially launched the Redmi Writing Pad with an 8.5-inch LCD screen and stylus.

The Redmi writing pad is equipped with a digital display that helps users to take and read notes. Equipped with an 8.5 inch LCD screen and the screen does not light up when reading to protect your eyes.

The device also features a lightweight design that weighs 90 grams and has a button under the bezel that allows users to quickly wipe the screen and start typing again.

The device is also equipped with a lock button that supports pinning of content to the screen and prevents deletion of content from the screen.

The device has a battery that provides users with a long life and the battery is replaceable and the device is currently available in the Indian market.

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