Instagram adds new tags to help creators
Instagram adds new tags to help creators

Instagram has introduced improved hashtags to make it easier for content creators to promote their business. The company said that enhanced tabs allow users to share and view posts from specific creators in photos or videos.

Creators see a self-assigned account category that defines their role within the label. With these new tags, content creators can showcase different ideas in their posts, and give a better view of their work.

To use the new improved tags, you must click Tag people when creating a post.

From there, you need to click on add tags and find and select contributors. You can then select Show Account Categories to see the creator categories such as Designer or Photographer.

“Learning about creativity and the right encouragement is a stepping stone to discovery, new opportunity, and economic empowerment,” Instagram says. For many black and underrepresented creatives, advertising is a gateway for creators to build lasting careers, whether you're a makeup artist, songwriter, or another major contributor to a post, your participation will be more visible in the post.

The launch of the new label comes after content warnings from black creators who say they will not receive a promotion for their online work.

In its blog post on the new hashtag, Instagram acknowledged that proper posting is especially important for underrepresented and marginalized creators and collaborators, whose posts are often behind the scenes.

The platform seems to fix these issues with a new tab. He wants to make sure more creators get recognition for their work.

Instagram hides lists of Russian and Ukrainian followers

The platform has begun hiding information from followers of Russian and Ukrainian personal accounts, which is the social app's latest response to Russia's ongoing military incursion into Ukraine.

According to Meta, the platform hides information about people's followers who follow and unfollow each other in private accounts in both countries to protect the privacy of Ukrainian and Russian users.

He also confirmed the launch of the hashtag, which people saw when they shared the link with Russian state media.

The platform has lowered the order of these media in feeds and stories. In addition, the use of Russian government-controlled media in the Discover section or in scrolls is not recommended.

The Russian government, along with a number of Western media outlets, has blocked access to the Facebook app in an effort to control how Russian citizens perceive their bloody invasion of Ukraine.

Instagram has much more users in Russia than Facebook. And WhatsApp is the most used messaging app in the country.

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