China publishes a video mocking the West's fear of Huawei
China publishes a video mocking the West's fear of Huawei

China's Xinhua News Agency has released a satirical video in English addressing US and UK concerns about tech giant Huawei.

The video was posted on New China TV's YouTube channel, Xinhua, and its Twitter account, Xinhua. Both accounts have warned that they have ties to the Chinese government.

The video clip shows two British intelligence agents trying to emulate James Bond, meeting in a castle to listen to Mr. M's instructions, which is a new priority for Western spies.

The male agent speculated that Julian Assange may have escaped from prison or that Edward Snowden may have been arrested.

Meanwhile, the agent talked about spying on the US National Security Agency. Remember, too, that the United States has advanced advertising skills.

When the agent spoke to M, he told the male customer not to buy a Huawei phone. When the client asked why, he found that his worker was watching him.

Huawei has been attacked by Western governments who believe that the company's technology may be harmed by the Chinese government.

US officials briefly detailed how China theoretically instigated the attacks on US communications infrastructure.

But last month, there were reports that Chinese spies were using Huawei software updates to successfully break into Australian networks in 2012.

The Huawei ban has become a Chinese copycat

This satirical video also mentions the names of two Western leaders - David Cameron in the UK and Angela Merkel in Germany - who are no longer in charge of their country.

It is clear that China views the hypocrisy of technological espionage as America's weakness in the new Cold War.

A similar attack was carried out by a Huawei manager at the Mobile World Congress in February 2019. He cited Edward Snowden's information as a reason to mistrust US officials when he spoke about the allegations of espionage.

At the end of the video, the two agents received CIA-authenticated calls that were apparently eavesdropped.

What the video ignores, however, is that many of the security concerns surrounding Huawei are not focused on effective backdoor exploits, but rather on poor network security practices that could lead to attacks in the future.

A 2019 report from the Supervisory Board of Huawei UK's Cyber ​​Security Assessment Center raised concerns about the company's key technical capabilities and security in cybersecurity.

Nor did this parody mention the company's role in building technology for labor camps and re-education in Xinjiang, China, or its work in monitoring detection systems.

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