Sony introduces 4K OLED virtual reality glasses
Sony introduces 4K OLED virtual reality glasses

Sony organized a tech day to showcase the work of its R&D lab. There's a robotic hand in the PlayStation 5's response, the company's screen rendering of virtual reality and 3D sound, and the company said it can detect grip strength based on the content you're capturing.

The company introduced this headset which has an OLED display with a resolution of 4K per inch. While the headset that Sony is using in the demo is clearly suitable for use in the lab and prototype, the specifications they released are reminiscent of the rumors surrounding the PlayStation VR 2.

The company said the headset on display has a resolution of 8K as each eye has a 4K screen and the total resolution of the PlayStation VR 2 is expected to be 4K with 2,000 x 2,040 pixels per eye.

But what's exciting is that the company is developing displays that focus on virtual reality and technologies to reduce latency.

During the reporter's question-and-answer session, the company did not answer when the screen would appear in the actual product. But she said different departments are studying how to integrate it into the product.

The company also offers a robotic clutch, which is a mechanical clutch that machines can use to grasp things. Even if it is not new. But Sony said its version can precisely control grip strength based on what you're holding.

This allows things to be held tightly so they don't slip (and adjust if they start to fall) without damaging delicate items like vegetables or flowers.

The company said the mechanical tongs can be used for cooking or organizing items in shop windows. To achieve this functionality, a combination of motion and artificial intelligence is required to recognize what needs to be recorded.

Check out some of the things that Sony makes

The company's presentation also had some great visuals on par with other projects. Let's take a look at some of the devices we've seen before.

Sony has introduced some great machine learning technologies (similar to Nvidia's DLSS). It said it could be used to improve the accuracy and performance of ray tracing display.

Sony has talked about the Mimamori system, which is supposed to be designed for Earth observation. The idea is to use satellites to collect data from sensors placed around the Earth. These sensors are designed to collect information about soil moisture, temperature, etc.

Its goal is for the Mimamori system to help scientists gather information about climate change. In addition to helping farmers adapt to these changes.

According to Mimamori, Sony is exploring how to use some of its technologies to combat climate change.

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