ASUS launched a device that tells you when fruits and vegetables are clean
ASUS launched a device that tells you when fruits and vegetables are clean

Asus, a manufacturer of gaming accessories for computers and laptops, has announced a new device for the kitchen.

PureGO PD100 can help you determine how clean your fruits and vegetables are and whether they have removed bacteria and dirt.

The equipment is part of the company's efforts to improve public health and maintain food hygiene standards.

We have seen many companies trying to get involved in this activity. Apple tells its smartwatch users when to wash their hands.

However, this is the first time we've seen a device that tells you how clean fresh fruits and vegetables are because washing your hands at home makes it hard to tell how clean they are.

How to use ASUS PureGO PD100

The operation of the device is simple and uncomplicated, you do not need any special training or extensive technical knowledge.

This makes it suitable for every home and restaurant and everyone can use it easily and without problems.

You can use the new machine with a household sink or any large household container that can hold water, you should first start by washing the fruit and removing any visible dust.

Then fill the large bowl with water and leave the fruit in it for 3 minutes, then place the new appliance in the center of the bowl with the soiled fruit and water.

The device then separates the coarse dust from the circular filter around the bottom of it.

If dirty water enters the device, the floor with an optical sensor analyzes the water with the help of artificial intelligence. Then determine the degree of contamination and cleanliness of the fruit.

These sensors detect bacteria and contaminants in the water, then the device's LED lights illuminate to let you know how clean the fruit is.

You may have to repeat this process several times until the control lamp lights up and the washing machine detects the degree of contamination of the wash water.

The device is powered by an internal battery that charges via its wireless charging station and can also be connected to its mobile app to get results directly on the phone or to share them via social media platforms.

PureGO PD100 is priced at $200, and the company claims it can identify 70% of bacteria found in the United States.

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