Mozilla Firefox is coming to the Microsoft Store
Mozilla Firefox is coming to the Microsoft Store

The Mozilla Foundation brings the popular Firefox browser to the Microsoft Store for Windows. Firefox is one of the first third-party alternatives that the software giant has made available for its operating system.

Firefox uses its own Gecko browser engine instead of Chromium alternatives like Opera or many other alternatives that improve Microsoft Edge's network rendering.

The new open store policy allows the software giant to appear in its stores for third-party browsers (such as Firefox).

Although we have not seen the emergence of Google Chrome. But Opera quickly made sure to add its own browser to the store.

If you used Windows and wanted to use Firefox before, Mozilla said, you should download it from the Internet and go through Microsoft's difficult process. Now, the company has changed its store policies and has chosen Firefox as a more seamless desktop browser, packed with the latest Firefox features.

Just a few months after Mozilla defeated the software giant's standard Windows browser protection, Microsoft launched the browser in the Windows Store.

Mozilla makes it easy to switch to Firefox from Windows. It does this through a one-click process that cannot officially be used by anyone outside of Microsoft.

Mozilla seems to have upended the idea of ​​the software giant being able to set Microsoft Edge as the default in Windows with just one click. This is not the multi-directional process found in Windows 10 today.

Firefox is one of the first major browsers in the Microsoft Store

Interestingly, this one-click process does not seem to work in the Windows Store version. This meant that Mozilla either avoided shipping its alternative version of Firefox or the software giant rejected it from its store and the company had to remove the default browser solution.

Microsoft has made it difficult to set the default browser in Windows 11. Since its open letter to the company in 2015, Mozilla has been trying to convince the software giant to improve browser defaults on Windows.

Firefox is now available in the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 and Windows 11.

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