Google is focusing on adapting its apps to iOS
Google is focusing on adapting its apps to iOS

Google's iOS apps have always been criticized for not feeling like platform-specific apps. Earlier this year, the company's designers changed their approach to iOS app development and decided to switch.

The company's iOS app is almost identical to the Android app. However, Apple fans have complained that the search giant's apps don't follow iOS conventions and popular viewpoints, resulting in an inconsistent user experience.

In fact, the company believes in sharing UI components through Google. Another important point to keep in mind when creating your own library is to fill in the gaps in the UIKit framework that Apple uses to build apps.

Earlier this week, Jeff Verquin, head of the engineering team designing the Google platform between Apple, said on Twitter.

All of this is open source work like iOS Device Components (MDCs) that allow any third party developer to adopt the same UI elements as Google Apps for iPhone and iPad, such as: B. Floating action buttons.

“As we continue to work toward cross-platform pixel parity, our iOS components have slowly moved away from the fundamentals of the Apple platform as these fundamentals evolve from year to year,” Vercuen said.

In response, the search giant began a comprehensive assessment of the importance of building its unique experience on the Apple platform in early 2021. Vercuen added: “The company questioned whether the key should be customized, which would do the trick.

Impact Your Content on Google Apps in iOS

The search giant decided it was time to switch, and Apple's UIKit became mature enough for internal needs.

The company no longer has to wait for most of the custom components it has developed over the years, including the app bar and top menus. Instead, it uses standard controls and makes minor branding tweaks to keep the look and feel of Google on iOS.

However, some custom components are still needed and are now getting more and more attention. As part of this transformation, the company put its iOS material library into maintenance mode in July.

New releases and bug fixes are limited and documentation has not been updated. The company's official guidance for developers is to follow Apple's user interface guidelines and consider using modern UIKit or SwiftUI components.

However, it also makes Flutter a way to get the look of Material Design across all platforms. In addition to the appearance of the app, the company has quickly adopted modern iOS functionality. This includes UI elements for most major services and support for becoming the default browser or email client.

The Google Photos tool was introduced on iOS last year. That was before Android hit the market in August.

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