Facebook celebrates World Mental Health Day
Facebook celebrates World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is Sunday 10 October. To celebrate this event, Facebook launched a new suite of tools and plug-ins dedicated through Watch and Oculus VR to provide guidance and raise awareness and awareness of mental health.

The company worked with UNICEF and BIPOC Mental Health Guide to develop a new mental health resource map to provide a level playing field for mental health support.

Facebook has also partnered with UNICEF to launch a new global mental health chatbot on WhatsApp, offering tips on how to communicate your thoughts, break the silence, and start conversations with the people you care about.

You can also find mental health and wellness resources that help reduce stress, such as: B. Sports. This is done via the health alert chatbot in WhatsApp WHO.

It also offers regional hotlines, including the Loneiness Advice chatbot developed by the British Connection Alliance.

Via Messenger, the company is working with the World Health Organization to add a new sticker pack called "I Care About You." Designed to start conversations about mental health.

The company also noted that many of its newsletter writers are concerned about mental health issues. It has also launched a new line of watches that focus on this.

Facebook is adding new resources for help and awareness

The company is also looking forward to the next stage of digital networking. It's about tackling mental health with Oculus' new virtual reality experience.

The company told Goliath: ``Play with Reality is a free virtual reality experience from Oculus Quest that lets you see schizophrenia up close. This experience explored the true story of John, a paranoid schizophrenic. Through an immersive virtual reality and artistic novel by Academy Award-winning actress Tilda Swinton. This experience is also designed to foster empathy and encourage dialogue about mental health.

Given the stresses of the past few years, it appears that most people suffer from some form of mental health problem. Since social platforms now play an important role in communication, every network must provide these resources. It's about helping people in need and connecting them with useful and relevant tools and reference points.

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