Facebook board concerned about Hugin .'s comments
Facebook board concerned about Hugin .'s comments

Facebook whistleblower Frances Hoggin said she will meet with Facebook's independent watchdog in the coming weeks to discuss her concerns about the company.

“I accepted the invitation and the Facebook Content Stewardship Committee shared what I learned from my work there,” Ha Jin said. The company has lied to the board of directors over and over again. I can't wait to tell you the truth.

Hugin is the former Product Manager for Citizen Integrity Group. He disclosed to the Wall Street Journal a slew of internal company documents that highlight problems within the organization.

Two days ago, she participated in "60 Minutes" to testify before Congress about the public's repeated misrepresentation of content exposed through her child safety research.

"In recent weeks, as a result of Hugin's actions, new information has emerged about the company's methods of altering content. Decisions of companies such as Facebook have affected freedom of expression and human rights," the board said in a statement posted on its website. people around the world, in which case transparency of the rules is critical.

He added, "Given Hogan's serious allegations against the company. We have invited them to address the Security Council in the coming weeks. I do. Board members look forward to the opportunity to discuss Hogan's experiences and gather information. This will help us solve the problem of decision-making and provide recommendations to improve transparency and accountability."

Facebook keeps lying on the board

The board said it was investigating whether the company did its best to respond to the cross-verification system. This can be an exception to the policy of influential or well-known people who review company content. We will publish our analysis in the first edition of our quarterly Transparency Report, which will be released later this month.

In December 2020, the Executive Board began hearing objections to content review decisions. The Board of Directors is made up of independent members from around the world who make final and binding decisions about the content. What social media platforms should be allowed or removed?

In May, the board decided that a business ban imposed by former US President Donald Trump could continue to apply.

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