AI judges your behavior ethically
AI judges your behavior ethically

Artificial intelligence has witnessed an amazing development in recent years and plays an important role in many areas. However, the Ask Delphi model developed by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence as a research project takes AI to a new level.

This is because this model plays the role of a wise man who answers not only difficult questions, but also moral dilemmas. Uses simple and clear language.

Ask Delphi started October 14 last year with a research paper explaining how it was developed. For normal users, the system is very easy to use. All you have to do is enter the website and share your ideas with the smart AI.

After you tell Delphi your story, she will share her "moral judgment" about what she says. Choose things like “This is bad,” “This is not acceptable,” “This is okay,” or “This is good.”

Of course, Delphi has had a huge impact since its inception. Maybe that's what its developers intend to do. Mainly because the site has a quick button to share your "judgment" of your behavior on Twitter, Facebook, and others.

AI judges your behavior ethically

The new model has been so successful that users tend to combine these technologies with exotic ones, and Delphi is able to answer questions with different meanings and directions based on its consistent answers.

While the idea itself is attractive, Delphi's fame isn't entirely due to its unique idea. On the contrary, it failed to answer several questions and dilemmas. He described the United States as "good" and other "bad" countries.

He also described the disgusting behavior as "acceptable". Although the AI ​​model results in misunderstandings and interpretations, it indicates poor training or reliance on inappropriate data during the training process.

In other cases, Delphi intelligence is insufficient to handle language manipulation. He described abortion as acceptable and abortion of children unacceptable.

Delphi and similar networking models rely on learning and understanding, including social media such as Reddit. When Delphi was asked how it used AI to assess human behavior, it replied that it was a bad thing.

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