The Supreme Court supports Google against Oracle

On Monday, the US Supreme Court ruled that Google had scored a major victory and ruled that Google's use of Oracle's Java API snippets to create an Android operating system does not violate federal copyright laws.

The Supreme Court said: Copying the API to re-implement the user interface and being content with the inheritance of requirements that will allow users to utilize their talents accumulated in new convertible software is a fair use of this material.

The Supreme Court overturned an earlier federal ruling, which ruled that Google's use of APIs is illegal and unfair under US copyright law.

The Supreme Court opinion concluded that the APIs that programmers use to access other code are very different from other types of software.

Judge Stephen Breyer said: Allowing Oracle to enforce copyright on lines of copied code would limit future creativity of new software and harm the public.

The provision aims to place special emphasis on API as a category, and fair dealing can play an important role in determining the legal scope of copyright law in computer software.

Google and Oracle have been fighting Java interoperability on Android for over 10 years and have expanded to include three separate courts and two separate appeals courts.

Since Oracle filed a copyright infringement lawsuit in 2010, tech giants Oracle and Google have collected annual sales of more than $ 175 billion which are controversial.

Google has appealed a 2018 ruling to reinstate the lawsuit, barring Google from assessing the serious damage that could be caused.

Oracle has applied for more than $ 8 billion in financing, but the new estimate has increased from $ 20 billion to $ 30 billion.

The lawsuit alleges that Google copied 11,330 lines of Java code and its organization to build Android and generate billions of dollars in revenue, thus stealing Google.

Oracle hopes to implement copyright protection for these lines of code in its Android database, which is 37 standalone APIs.

Google said: It did not copy the Java language, but it uses the necessary bits of Java code to run the platform, and federal copyright does not protect the evaluation method.

The two companies said decisions about them would harm innovation, as Google said: Shortcut commands copied to Android could help developers write programs for use across platforms. This is the key to software innovation and the information age. Oracle said: The developers will not create new software, they will know that it is stolen.

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