Russia censors the sovereign Internet by curbing Twitter
Russia censors the sovereign Internet by curbing Twitter

Russia recently slowed the pace of its Twitter platform, signaling Moscow's determination to engage with Silicon Valley, and it is also a test of Russia's new sovereign internet infrastructure that is less dependent on tech companies. Western movie.

After supporters of opposition activist Alexey Navalny used the Kremlin in nationwide protests in January, it is increasingly urgent to exert greater control over the Kremlin over foreign social media.

Moscow has threatened that the platform will encourage illegal activity if it does not remove 3,168 tweets as of 2017.

President Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin) said and then issued a warning: If the Internet is not bound by formal legal rules and social and moral laws, society will collapse from within.

Dealing with major tech companies comes with its own risks, as the decision to slow Twitter last month shut down the Kremlin, the Russian parliament and the websites of many government agencies, confirming Moscow's dependence on infrastructure. Foreign Internet.

The Sovereign Internet is a parallel network running on Russian servers that enables technology to selectively restrict access to blocked content without causing collateral damage.

Russian observers said they learned the lesson from trying to block the Telegram messaging app in 2018, which shut down more than 16 million independent websites, and increased the messaging app's audience from 10 million 3000 million.

The Twitter restriction marked the first major use of the sovereign internet through a technology known as deep packet analysis, which theoretically allows viewers to filter one page without stopping thousands of others.

Initial results indicate that there may be loopholes in the system, and the slowdown in growth appears to be affecting many sites using the domain name, which Twitter shortens URLs to.

Russia is still not able to control all the servers that Twitter uses as it uses different servers in its global network to distribute content.

As with Moscow and LinkedIn in 2016, the threat of a complete social media blockade has not pushed the Silicon Valley giants to comply with Russian data and restrictive content localization laws.

Additionally, Facebook and Google are not responding to Russian pressure on domestic tech companies.

When American investors tried to gain control, Russian search engine Yandex used its veto power against the Kremlin government.

Live broadcast platform Ivi has reportedly halted its initial public offering (IPO) after lawmakers took measures to curb foreign investment in online entertainment sites.

Russia cannot get a foothold on platforms like YouTube either, as Navalny has more subscribers than national TV channels.

Russia hopes that the threat of an embargo backed by its new technology will force Silicon Valley to comply with its laws.

Roscomnadzor said last week that Twitter had removed a third of its reported tweets, despite its complaint about the platform's unsatisfactory posting speed.

If a sovereign internet makes it difficult to access Western sites, this may have the desired effect.

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