Dorsey sells his first tweet as NFT for $ 2.9 million
Dorsey sells his first tweet as NFT for $ 2.9 million

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet for $ 2.9 million as NFT.

The tweet is known as a Non-Exchangeable Token (NFT) - a unique digital asset that has been widely distributed through 2021.

The tweet was auctioned off on a platform called Valuables owned by the US company Cent.

Cent CEO and co-founder Cameron Hegazy confirmed that it had purchased 1,630 cryptocurrencies from Ethereum and was valued at $ 2,915,835 at the time of sale.

Cent confirms the buyer is Sina Estavi and his Twitter profile indicates that he lives in Malaysia and is the CEO of blockchain Bridge Oracle.

A Bitcoin Dorsey fan tweeted a link to the website where the tweet was up for sale on March 6.

In another tweet on March 9th, he said: It is transferring the proceeds from the auction to Bitcoin and donating it to GiveDirectly to help Africa respond to people infected with the African Coronavirus.

GiveDirectly is a charity that provides money directly to people who live in poverty.

Dorsey achieves 95% of primary sales and Cent 5% of primary sales.

Cent CEO said its platform allows people to show support for Tweets as well as existing likes, comments, and repost options.

The value of these assets can go up and down, Hijaz said, but the ledger and date of purchase are kept, which is something buyers, sellers and the public will always remember. It has a value in nature.

The auction winner will receive a digital certificate to post the Tweet with the purchased Tweet. The peculiarity is that it is signed and verified by the creator.

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