Twitter decides to end testing the threaded response feature
Twitter decides to end testing the threaded response feature

Twitter has been testing thread reply functionality for some time, aiming to make the reply easier to read and follow, but on Thursday it said: It has finished testing the function based on user responses.

"We asked her, and she replied that this form of response is inappropriate as it is difficult to read the conversation and link it," Twitter said in a tweet on Thursday. "So we stopped coordinating and improving the conversation on Twitter in other ways," he added.

In a subsequent tweet, the site said: Connected replies prevent users from combining reading with conversation, and users want to know exactly who they are speaking.

In addition to announcing the end of thread response testing, the site also announced the end of an experimental application called twttr, which was designed to test several features, including thread response functionality.

In another tweet, the site said, "We have now decided to exit twttr so that more tests can be done to improve the chatting experience on Twitter." A Twitter spokesperson told The Verge: Current twttr user currently cannot use the app, but as future plans to test new products, Twitter is considering a possible next step for them. 'Implementation.

Twitter first spoke about testing the thread response function in August 2018, then began testing it in March 2019, and then modified it to the app (iOS) in January of last year. As in May, linked Tweets should be viewed by some iOS and web users. But many Twitter users seem to have missed this new feature.

As for the features planned to add the site, a Twitter official revealed last November that he was exploring the possibility of adding buttons they do not like, or the ability to negatively vote for tweets that users do not like, similar to popular ones. Website, for example: (Reddit).

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