Do you really need to install an antivirus on your Mac?
Do you really need to install an antivirus on your Mac?

Many Mac computer users believe that macOS on Mac computers contains many security tools due to tremendous efforts by Apple so that their computers are not affected by malware and malware. Viruses like these tools keep users safe by default. Data and information security.

However, the latest report from digital security company (Intego) finds that there are many new threats to Mac computers as of June 2019 alone. So, is it really necessary to install a third-party antivirus on Mac computers?

What are the main disadvantages of Mac computers?

Mac computers have built-in anti-malware and anti-virus tools that will search for running applications and ensure they do not match the list of known defective applications such as: Ex: XProtect Tools. Works in the background when isolating files downloaded from the Internet.

For example, if you downloaded an application from the internet, then in addition to the specified website, a warning message will appear informing you that the application has been downloaded from the Internet, the built-in Gatekeeper tool will check whether the application has been downloaded from the Internet The application is safe and reliable. Ask permission on your computer before opening it.

However, Thomas Reid, a security expert at Malwarebytes, said, “These protections are not as complete as they appear because XProtect's list of malicious file signatures is incomplete and only scans files for them. Of 94 rules. It represents a small fraction of the rules in anti-malware applications. Other powerful viruses.

Security tech blogger Kirk McKillhern and one of the authors of Intego's latest report agree, "XProtect investigates very few known malware."

Security expert Thomas Reed added, “This shows us that this is not enough. The Gatekeeper tool on the Mac still cannot verify the signatures of unqualified applications while they are running. This means that any cybercriminal can tamper with any application. Legal will always be allowed to run. On Mac OS ".

Should you install an antivirus on your computer?

Some users believe that installing antivirus applications on Mac computers greatly degrade performance and cannot meet the needs of the protection tools built into the operating system. However, this idea appears to be wrong, as is the case with modern Mac computers, which have many powerful resources. So antivirus software can protect you. There is no apparent effect on the speed or performance of Mac computers.

An anti-virus program should be installed, especially if the computer contains important and very sensitive information. Note, however, that most of protecting your data is your responsibility, even if you have an antivirus program.

For example, you must gain the skills to manage various programs and applications and know what to do and what not to do: For example, you should never install suspicious files or download files from untrustworthy sites, just try to avoid these bad things, The tools included in the Mac OS should be sufficient to fully protect your files and data.

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