WhatsApp has added features to reduce boring chats
WhatsApp has added features to reduce boring chats

Facebook developers are constantly working to improve WhatsApp as a new, simple but very useful feature that has been introduced into the app designed to reduce boring chats and keep the chat going.

The regular version of WhatsApp offered the ability to mute a conversation for a while. Now the developer has replaced one of the existing app options as the one year silent option has been replaced. With this option (always), you don't have to worry about boring conversations.

According to WABetaInfo, this new feature is available for WhatsApp beta testers from Android devices. Version

Other new functions in the current beta version are removing chats with verified company accounts and contact functions in contact information. However, it is still possible to communicate with the company through the profile icon and contact list and it is not clear if this option is suitable for everyone. This is just an update bug.

The feature that was introduced some time ago gives WhatsApp users a better understanding of space used. This feature could be more useful in daily use because many testers have missed the new info page yet, but this feature should be changed for the new beta version.

After previewing memory usage, Messenger users can easily and clearly see how much memory space their smartphone is using in files. If you want to delete saved files, this feature becomes the basis for WhatsApp's storage capacities.

WhatsApp developers are preparing a number of new tools that will give you more control over how the app uses valuable space on your phone. We know this feature has been around since August when investigators (WABetaInfo) found a hidden menu in the application installer file that included several new options for managing the downloaded media. Currently, the data and storage options for WhatsApp cannot be used through the settings menu, as it only shows the storage space used on your phone. For one chat, you can delete or keep all downloaded files.

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