Microsoft built a mobile data center in the box
Microsoft built a mobile data center in the box

Microsoft has created a mobile data center to integrate cloud computing into remote environments.

A modular data center is essentially a large server box designed for places where providing reliable cloud connections is difficult.

Microsoft is working with satellite operators to communicate so that the Azure Standard Data Center (MDC) can be used as a mobile command center, humanitarian aid, and even a military mission.

Bill Carragones, General Manager, Azure Standardized Data Center Solutions, said: “In adverse global conditions, there is a huge demand for cloud computing and storage requiring poor connectivity and disruptions to cloud network availability and access to private infrastructure have been avoided. the border. The first is using cloud computing.

He added: Standard Azure Data Center (MDC) addresses this issue by integrating Azure with these environments and providing data center resources closest to the desired location.

Microsoft's Azure Standard Data Center (MDC) is robust and housed in a high-frequency shielded unit, which means it must operate in extreme climates.

The data center provides computing and storage capabilities and is used with the Azure Stack Hub architecture.

SpaceX, owned by entrepreneur Elon Musk, was one of the first major partners in modular and mobile data centers.

Microsoft launched Azure Space to work with more airlines and position Azure as the premier provider of storage, connectivity and cloud computing.

The mobile data center is connected to the Starlink satellite broadband from SpaceX. Microsoft and SpaceX plan to continue connecting with Starlink and Azure in the future.

The new Standardized Azure Data Center (MDC) is the latest giant step in the software space to make the data center more portable.

The company flooded Scotland's entire underwater data center with 864 servers and 27.6 petabytes of storage in 2018.

The company recently restored the data center and found that the underwater data center failure rate was only one-eighth of the on-site data center failure rate.

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