Google has formed a new security team for sensitive apps
Google has formed a new security team for sensitive apps

Google has opened the door to hiring to form an Android security team responsible for finding vulnerabilities in highly sensitive apps on the Google Play Store.

The company recently released a new worklist for its Security Engineering Director to train a team to conduct security assessments of third-party highly sensitive Android apps on the Google Play Store.

According to the latest report from (ZDNet) on the issue, the new Android security team will focus on apps like Coronavirus Contact Tracking and election-related apps that handle sensitive user data.

The to-do list also shows that the new Android security team will also provide troubleshooting advice to affected app developers and will work hard to find vulnerabilities in sensitive apps.

According to Sebastian Burst, director of software engineering at Google Play Protect, the team will need to work with other Android security teams to find new and innovative ways to reduce vulnerabilities in Android applications at scale.

A Google spokesperson confirmed that this job posting is indeed a new team tasked with continuing the Android Security Enhancement Program and Google Play Security Reward Program. Business.

Since the Google Play Store security rewards program is limited to apps with more than 100 million users, it is recommended that you form a new team to deal with sensitive apps that are not covered by the program.

The new team complements the work of independent security researchers through the Google Play Store Security Incentive Program, where Google receives bug reports from security researchers and pays for errors on behalf of security researchers. Applications.

Lucas Stefanko, a malware analyst at Slovakian Security Company (ESET), presented the latest move from Google and said it was definitely a good move.

"It is not easy to find serious security problems and it takes a lot of time and experience."

Having a dedicated team ensures that with the app fully picked by Google, some of the world's best security talent can stop using it for the time being.

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