A robotic dolphin may replace animals in parks
A robotic dolphin may replace animals in parks

Edge Innovations, an American engineering company based in California, has its own animation and effects division that has developed a Dolphin remote control robot.

A robotic dolphin starts at $ 3 million and can go up to $ 5 million.

The company hopes that the powered robots used in Hollywood movies could one day have fun with people in parks instead of just being content with wild animals.

Swimmers can dive with giant white robotic sharks and even dive into the reptiles that lived in the Jurassic period millions of years ago.

Walt Conti, founder and CEO of Edge Innovations, said: “Currently, nearly 3,000 dolphins are being used to generate billions of revenue from the dolphin experience alone.

He added: It is clear that there is a desire to understand dolphins and we hope that we will take advantage of that desire to find a new way to learn about these marine animals.

According to Conte, power robots can return people to enclosed gardens due to the use of live animals.

About twenty European countries prohibit or limit the presence of wild animals in circuses.

A 250-kg, 2.5-meter roving dolphin made of medical-grade silicone skin is participating in a school program in collaboration with TeachKind and is a member of Ethical Animal Therapy.

Edge Innovations also created the aquatic creatures used in the hit Hollywood films "Free Willie", "Deep Blue Sea" and "Anaconda".

The idea for this experimental model is to create something similar to the kids underwater program Open Sesame, said Roger Holzberg, creative director of the company's dynamic robotics program.

He added, "These personalities have taught a generation to feel the various aspects of the human being in unprecedented ways, and this is what we dream of."

Real-time dynamic robots provide a way to transform the marine entertainment industry into a sustainable, safe and profitable future.

Exhibition halls include aquariums, ocean gardens, theme parks, fountain shows, cruise ships, hotels, resort, malls, museums, and more.

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