The Windows 10 October 2020 Update is ready for download
The Windows 10 October 2020 Update is ready for download

On Friday, Microsoft announced the completion of the Windows 10 update for the second half of 2020 (called the 20H2 icon) and has now released the beta update for users (Windows 10 October 2020) and Windows 10 October 2020.

Windows Insider Pilots Senior Project Manager (Brandon LeBlanc) at Microsoft wrote on the company blog: “We believe version 19042.508 is the final release. We continue to plan to continue improving the update. October 2020 on the PC. The overall experience. Offering part of the normal service rhythm to customers.”

The Windows Insiders Preview Channel has been officially released (October 2020). This is one of the more conservative updates of any of Microsoft's beta channels. Downloading beta codes from Microsoft as part of the Insider Program requires enrollment in the Microsoft Insider Program.

For this purpose, Windows 10 users can go to the Settings menu, then to "Update & Security," then to the Windows Insider Program and follow the instructions. After restarting and making other downloads, the version recommended by Microsoft for the update (Windows 10 October 2020) will be downloaded to the device.

Microsoft Update (Windows 10 October 2020) start-up process as normal. Even if a user is registered or part of the Publish Preview channel, they will have to manually "Request Updates" or "Search" (October 2020) by clicking on a link in the settings menu or any other appropriate button.

Microsoft also said: It has also started rolling out automatic updates for beta subscribers in the beta channel (October 2020). LeBlanc writes: “For test users who did not previously decide to install the update (October 2020), it will be automatically made available to them via (Windows Update) Windows Update."

According to reports, the new features of the update (Windows 10 October 2020) are the new Edge browser and the updated user interface for the Windows Start menu, along with some other system features and improvements. Run Windows 10.

It should be noted that since Microsoft launched the Windows 10 operating system on July 29, 2015, the company has confirmed that the system will be a service, which means that each new update will be created differently from the previous one, as it not only contains security updates, but also new functions. . Similar to Apple's Mac OS.

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