The Razer data breach reveals information about the players
The Razer data breach reveals information about the players

Game equipment maker Razer suffered a data breach after making an unsafe database available on its online store.

Razer represents the Singaporean-American global gaming console manufacturer. The company is known for its mice, keyboards, and other advanced gaming devices. The products are generally intended for gamers.

On August 19, security researcher Bob Diachenko discovered an insecure database that revealed information about nearly 100,000 people who had purchased items from the Razer online store.

This general information includes the customer's name, email address, phone number, order number, order details, and billing and shipping addresses. Public search engines can index this information. .

Security researcher Bob Dyachenko spent several weeks trying to contact someone at Razer who could protect the exposed database to prevent Razer's data from leaking.

Dyachenko said Razer backed up the database server on September 9 and thanked the researchers for their help.

The company said: Mr. Dyachenko told us there was a server configuration error that was likely to threaten order details, customer information and shipping, and he did not reveal other sensitive information such as credit card numbers or passwords and server configuration errors. It was fixed on September 9th. Before publishing the information.

<< We would like to thank you and apologize for the boycott that caused it. In addition to a comprehensive review of IT security and systems, we have also taken all necessary steps to correct the problem and will continue to work to ensure digital security and security for all customers. ''

Actions for Razer customers:

If attackers gain access to this data, they can use the information from targeted phishing campaigns to gather sensitive information such as passwords and credit card information.

While it is not known that the perpetrators had access to public data prior to obtaining public data, it is important for those affected to be aware of the potential phishing activity.

And when you buy something from (Razer) online store, be wary of emails saying it's from a gaming company.

If you receive an email claiming to be from (Razer), make sure you only log in with ( and not through any other website.

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