Vue Lite .. smart glasses that come with built-in speakers
Vue Lite .. smart glasses that come with built-in speakers

(Vue) The startup announced the launch of its new $ 179 Vue Lite smart glasses. The smart glasses include a standard speaker (instead of a bone conduction device), a microphone for calls, a phone voice assistant, touch controls, and 3.5 hours of expected talk time focusing on sound. Music can be played on a single charge.

The company committed to providing Kickstarter supporters with prescription glasses (Vue Pro) in October 2016. The glasses can be used as wireless headphones, fitness trackers and smartwatches at the same time. They also have loudspeakers for bone conduction so that no one can hear your music and calls. .

After raising $ 3 million, the company didn't ship the glasses in 2018 and it didn't ship (Vue Pro) until 2019, and some customers seemed unhappy with the experience.

Unlike North's Focals augmented reality glasses, the $ 299 Vue Pro is a traditional pair of glasses with a built-in speaker that includes bone conduction technology as well as activity tracking. You can also listen to calls and voice.

The Vue Lite glasses are a lighter and cheaper version of the Vue Pro, but they do not contain the main features of their predecessors.

One of the reasons Vue developed Vue Lite is to make users more comfortable with smart glasses.

Aaron Rowley, co-founder of Vue, said, “We believe this convenience and simplicity is an incentive for people to start the transition to a connected framework.

Vue Lite sunglasses are similar to Amazon Echo Frames. Bose Frames aren't officially released in many ways, but there are no elements or gestures for augmented reality.

According to the company's website, the new glasses are not dependent on Kickstarter supporters and are expected to be listed in late September.

Also, before shipping the old glasses, it doesn't look like Vue is trying to sell new glasses, and co-founder Jason Gui said that Vue has now shipped the original glasses by any means. provide.

Intel reportedly abandoned its Vaunt venture and North shut down second generation (Focals) before Google bought it. Project Bose appears to have shut down after the AR party shut down in June this year. The year is at risk.

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