The world's first 3200MP digital photo
The world's first 3200MP digital photo

According to the Department of Energy's National Acceleration Laboratory (SLAC) Blog, researchers at Stanford University took the first 3200-megapixel digital photo, the largest image ever taken in a single image.

It does so thanks to a number of unusual image sensors that will be the heart and soul of the future Vera Rubin Observatory Camera, which will study dark energy and matter and is expected to make the greatest movie. It did not reach the ark.

The digital picture is so large, you need 378 4K TV screens to view fully, and the resolution is high enough that you can see a golf ball 15 miles away.

You can also see faint objects that other cameras cannot see, and the sensor can detect objects that are 100 million times darker than those that can be seen with the naked eye.

The sensor array is expected to be integrated into the world's largest digital camera and is currently being prepared by the National Acceleration Laboratory (SLAC).

Once the world's largest digital camera is installed at the Villa Rubin Observatory in Chile, the camera will produce a full digital panoramic image of the southern sky every few nights for 10 years.

This camera is expected to be the most advanced camera in the world with a resolution of 3.2 gigapixels, capable of capturing points on the sky 40 times larger than the moon, and absorbing more light than any optical observatory on Earth. To be able to follow the arms of light to understand asteroids and dark energy.

The unusual image sensor set includes 189 sensors, so-called chargers (CCD), each with a resolution of 16 megapixels.

The charged device (CCD) and its supporting electronics are assembled into square units called science pontoons. They form the focal plane of the camera. There are a total of 21 rafts and four private rafts not used for filming.

The focus plane contains a total of 3.2 billion pixels, and all scientific floats (valued at $ 3 million each) will be included in the focus level matrix within six months.

The 32MP digital photo is the result of extensive preliminary sensor tests.

While some of the project's high-stakes phases are completed, the team still has some hard work to do to make the remaining cameras. Final exams are expected to begin in mid-2021.

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