The European Union wants to control the American tech giants
The European Union wants to control the American tech giants

The European Union is inviting Reuters to bid, as EU regulators are looking for clues to weaken the role of Internet guards and access people, information and services, and U.S. tech giants such as Facebook and Amazon may be subject to stricter laws.

The director may force Facebook, Amazon, Google and Apple to separate their competing companies and give competitors access to their data and open standards for them.

The European Commission announced in February that it was reviewing legislation for large Internet platforms that act as Internet guards. The Commission launched a bid of 600,000 euros to conduct research to demonstrate the strength of these giants.

In the tender, representatives were called from Amazon (the company is a retail company and operator focused on its market) and Apple (the company is an application developer and works for its business) called "applications", and the study said that it prefers to consider the practices and may have to ask the holding company to separate its operations .

The proposal states: "General automatic rules can prohibit or restrict the differentiation between these platforms during vertical integration in order to clearly distinguish between the company's role as a market regulator and a competitor in this market."

The document states that technology giants who keep large amounts of data and do not wish to share data with smaller competitors may be required by regulatory measures to provide access in a reasonable, consistent, and non-discriminatory manner.

European Union research also focuses on technology companies that use market data to expand into other markets. If we take Facebook and its WhatsApp platform as an example, this makes the competition more difficult for existing or new competitors.

Another area of ​​concern is information inconsistency, which is characterized by social media platforms and search engines that collect large amounts of data through free services, making users reluctant to compete.

"The tremendous research capacity is disturbing, and the committee's review of the proposal will give it broad discretion in protecting the commission from competition to freedom. More preferable to the competitor," said Kivan Hazmi Jebili, lawyer at the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) pressure group.

He added: "In this way, unilateral deviations from the current framework of global competition law will lead to inequality and prevent Europeans from accessing beneficial services and jobs."

The European Commission's Communications and Technology Directorate hopes to receive an interim report within three months, and the final report will be available within five months.

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