Jack Dorsey responded to Trump's threat to shut down the network
Jack Dorsey responded to Trump's threat to shut down the network

Jack Dorsey responded to the President of the United States’s threat, saying: “Adding warnings means that Twitter cannot judge the truth. The goal is to connect conflicting data points and controversially display information. So that people can judge themselves. And transparency is essential. In this way, People can clearly understand the reason for our behavior. "

Twitter added a warning to Twitter for the first time, asking readers to review the president's allegations. Tensions between the president and his favorite social media platform escalated when Donald Trump threatened to organize or close social networks. The work of a media company.

Twitter platform CEO (Jack Dorsey) tried to respond to the storm of criticism Twitter received from conservatives when he added warnings to review Trump's tweets, and Dorsey's comments were Mark Zuckerberg a few hours after the interview with Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook CEO explains why his company didn't act against Trump's incorrect posting of votes. He said, "In this regard, we have different guidelines than Twitter, and I firmly believe that Facebook should not become people on the Internet. The real judge said it all."

Trump's private tweets claimed that the California governor emailed a survey to everyone who lived in the state, regardless of the person’s identity and how they got there. Twitter added warnings to tweet urging users to get information about sending ballot papers.

The Twitter alert is directly linked to a coordinated investigation page containing many journalists and news summaries that revealed the allegations.

Jack Dorsey also said in his tweet that he was ultimately responsible for the decisions Twitter made, and asked company employees to leave the topic since Twitter messages appeared about Yoel Roth in 2016 and 2017. This is evidence of the so-called Twitter trend. President.

He said: "There is one person ultimately responsible for what we do as a company. I am that person. We will continue to quote incorrect or controversial information about global elections. We will recognize any mistakes we make."

The platform also argued (Yowell Roth): "No one on Twitter is responsible for our implementation guidelines or procedures. Unfortunately, due to the company's decision, individual employees are targeted."

According to a Twitter spokesperson, Dorsey had not decided a warning from Trump's tweet. Alternatively, the tweet may contain misleading information about the voting process, and a warning has been added to provide additional context.

The platform’s unprecedented decision could raise more questions about whether it is ready to send warnings about other misleading tweets to Trump, especially when the president issued a statement against ex-congressman Joe Scarborough many years ago. Scarborough), when the charge of the death of a congressman was false. .

Some Twitter users also criticized the platform for not applying the new procedures clearly and strictly, adding that the warning should clearly state that Trump's tweets contain incorrect information.

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