Telegram supports Corona's fight with new benefits
Telegram supports Corona's fight with new benefits

On Friday, Telegram's instant messaging service announced the launch of new tools to help understand the latest Corona virus (COVID-19).

"Telegram is a powerful tool for sending messages to an unlimited number of listeners," said a blogger, Telegram. Since 2015, the media and public figures have used channels to attract readers, voters and fans, especially in countries where freedom of expression is restricted. .

Telegram added, "We recently noticed that a new type of channel is becoming more and more popular: Channels created by healthcare providers around the world. India, Malaysia and many other countries send messages, warnings and messages.

To facilitate the distinction between trusted sources and fake news, Telegram launched an improved verification process that allows people who have registered accounts on other social networks to receive an ID to confirm their channel. Your group or automatic chat on a reliable cable.

To help users stay informed about the virus (Covid-19), Telegram makes it easy to send notifications to all users in countries with official virus channels and gives them access to news sources.

To ensure that users find accurate and relevant information about the epidemic in their region, Telegram has created a private channel that is the best result for all keywords related to alkyl virus in search queries. Contains a list of official country information sources.

To encourage people to take antivirus measures, Telegram provided an advantage to add personal photos to masks.

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