Amazon uses fast technology to discover Corona
Amazon uses fast technology to discover Corona

Amazon employees told Reuters the company had used thermal imaging devices in its warehouse to speed up the discovery of frantic workers most susceptible to infection with new coronavirus (COVID-19).

The cameras used measure the heat emitted by humans in relation to their surroundings. Workers say these cameras are better than thermometers that use thermometers to measure the forehead warmth because they take less time, which is what Amazon was doing.

The move came after more than 50 workers at the Amazon warehouse in the United States reported HIV infection. Some workers were worried about their safety and went on strike. Union and elected officials have also asked Amazon to close buildings.

The unprecedented use of thermal imaging cameras shows how the second largest employer in the United States can find ways to stem the spread of the virus without closing critical warehouses.

The United States gave Amazon the green light to ship goods to almost every country and keep people in detention at home. In France, Amazon temporarily closed six control centers.

Other companies involved in the use of thermal imaging technologies are: Tyson Foods, Intel. After the SARS epidemic in 2003, the thermal imaging system was widespread in Asian airports and could cost between $ 5,000 and $ 20,000.

The thermal imager replaces the thermometer at the entrance of many Amazon Whole Foods employees. A worker said: The company is testing a second forward temperature for every person the camera detects a high temperature to accurately determine the temperature.

Amazon confirmed that some bearings have introduced regulations to simplify temperature control. The company said in a statement: It is checking the temperature "to support the health and safety of employees who will continue to provide basic services to our company."

Earlier this month, Amazon announced that it would provide masks and start daily inspections of hundreds of thousands of people to detect fever in all camps in the United States and Europe.

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