SpaceX manufactures hand sanitizers and face protection
SpaceX manufactures hand sanitizers and face protection

Inside messages, SpaceX, owned by entrepreneur Elon Musk, is manufacturing and planning to donate hand sanitizers and face protection products to local hospitals and other companies, and to help respond to the new Corona Virus site. For employees.

Many hospitals lack personal protective equipment, ventilation, and other relief supplies due to the new Coronavirus epidemic. The medical staff has moved to social media platforms, which means they must be equipped with preservatives. Masks, protectors and gloves to protect against virus transmission.

The company also plans to donate blood for its headquarters in Hawthorne, California. The email states that the disinfectant complies with CDC guidelines and can effectively kill the new coronavirus. The same team is produced from the crew equipment. .

So far, engineers have made 75 masks at the weekend and donated them to Cedar Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. The team donated about 100 protective suits (Tyvek prosthesis) to medical workers. SpaceX is making more intensive efforts to manufacture and distribute hand sanitizers. .

The letter also talks about the company's approach to helping employees during the epidemic, as all SpaceX grocery stores have cut food prices in half, and the company now allows employees working under their supervision to use the messaging system to clear their identities to save time rather than using a fingerprint scanner.

Elon Musk seems to have changed his mind about the coronavirus after posting it on Twitter that the panic over the epidemic was stupid and he repeatedly tried to reduce the severity of the virus, telling the electric car company, "The damage of the panic goes far, a Tesla worker said," other than the damage caused by the virus itself. ".

As the national epidemic worsens, many other companies such as Ford, Apple and Facebook have tried to help the American healthcare system with much needed donations or medical care.

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