Kr00k .. Security Vulnerability Affects Billion Internet Devices
Kr00k .. Security Vulnerability Affects Billion Internet Devices

More than a billion internet devices, including the Apple iPhone and Amazon Eco, may be at risk of a security breach that could allow hackers to monitor WiFi traffic over the Internet.

ESET Cyber ​​Security has discovered a vulnerability that could effectively disable the encryption that password-protected Wi-Fi networks use so that hackers can see what's happening on the network as if it were fully open.

While this may mean that the victim is vulnerable to eavesdropping on phone calls, software updates and other security levels may prevent such attacks from getting catastrophic results. hardware. From Broadcom and Cybers, it is widely used in wireless internet access devices including Apple, Google and Samsung phones.

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However, security updates have been released to address this issue. Hence, the best advice is to ensure that your computer, smartphone and all internet-connected devices have the latest software and advanced hardware.

In the worst case, a lot of data, including the websites you visit or the messages you send, is at risk. However, since the website uses the same encryption, many private connections made over Wi-Fi networks must remain secure.

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