Corona virus is avoided by Koreans with mobile app
Corona virus is avoided by Koreans with mobile app

Due to the high rate of viral infection in South Korea, South Korea is moving to smart apps that prevent crown viruses (COVID-19), as the new application was developed according to public authorities, letting users know how close it is,

The user can also view the date on which the patient was diagnosed with the disease and the demographic population and some of its locations.

South Korea is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. When the deadly new Corona virus infected the Korean peninsula, application developers knew exactly how to deal with it.

Mobile app developers have seen an increase in downloads, while disease tracking apps in South Korea ranked sixth in most downloads from the Google Play Store in the country, and some app developers have said that since the app was launched, downloads have increased. ,

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Baona Won-Seok is a developer (Corona 100m), an app that allows people to view and confirm the medical history of corona virus patients, as well as the nationality, gender, age, and location of patients, and he said: “Each device adds about 20,000 hours of addition.”

Users of the application can also see how close it is to patients with Coronavirus. The app has been installed more than a million times since its launch on February 11. Suk said: Country, the application server has been stopped. "

Cor Joon Young, developer of the Corona app, told me that the app was created because it was having trouble understanding government data. Although health officials have published websites showing that patients are infected with the Coronavirus, official information is not easy to understand. ,

Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported more than 800 new cases of coronavirus, affecting 3,150 people, the largest epidemic outside China, in 71% of Daegu cases.

It should be noted that South Korea is not the only country that uses the capabilities of smartphones to fight the virus, because the Japanese medical advice company (ok) has a free application called (the liver) for a limited time to help users treat estimated symptoms. See the doctor.

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