Snake robot crosses the field to help in disaster
Snake robot crosses the field to help in disaster

Johns Hopkins University scientists have developed a snake-like robot that can travel far to support search and rescue missions after American engineers have studied how snakes actually work. Navigate and use your notes to create a snake robot that can climb big drawers.

It is believed that snake-like robots could one day help explore inaccessible terrain, such as crossing building debris after an earthquake. This development in mechanical engineering uses a suspension system similar to the automobile system to maintain the level of the moving robot when climbing difficult stairs.

"We look forward to these terrifying, dreadful creatures that inspire their movement because they can overcome obstacles in the world. Everyday life and hope Our robot can learn to do it like breaking a snake through the roof," said Assistant Professor of the Johns Hopkins University School of Mechanical Engineering (Chen Lee).

Previous studies focused on the movement of snakes on planes, but they rarely entered 3D terrain except trees, and the professor told me that these studies did not explain major obstacles in the real world, such as debris and fragments of debris, search and rescue robots have to overcome these parts and parts.

Researchers at Professor Lee's lab in Baltimore, Maryland, studied how royal snakes that live in desert and oak forests avoid obstacles and climb stairs, and he told me that these snakes regularly cross rocks and fall down trees, they are the masters of movement. And you can learn a lot from them.

Scientists have observed how a snake can climb stairs, and through a series of experiments, a study published in the open scientific journal of the Royal Society found that a snake divided its body into three parts, front and back, on horizontal steps such as waves. Swing up and down while the room stays. The middle of the body is fixed.

Scientists have discovered that the oscillating part provides stability to prevent the snake from capsizing, and based on this information, they designed a robot that simulated the royal snake's movement and transcribed the wave's motion model. A vehicle-like suspension system was added, so that a spring-like suspension system was added between the body and wheels that prevented the Snake robot from falling. ,

The researchers said their innovation approached the speed of a true snake, but the suspension system was necessary to maintain the robot's stability when climbing the large staircase, which meant that the robot consumed more energy. The professor told me: The real snake is always superior, but these results are promising in the field of robotics and can overcome enormous obstacles.

The team plans to test and optimize the Snake Robot for the most complex 3D terrain (with larger irregular obstacles and obstacles).

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