Aston Martin postpones the launch of the first generation of electric cars
Aston Martin postpones the launch of the first generation of electric cars

Aston Martin confirmed the delay in launching the first generation of electric cars after the company first clarified the financial stability plan by receiving financing from a group of investors.

Aston Martin said in a recent statement that the company now needs financial stability and focuses on its line of fuel-dependent cars, and highlighted the delay in introducing electric cars.

Aston Martin plans to receive a £ 500m ($ 659 million) emergency financing from a group of investors led by Canadian billionaire Lawrence Stall to focus on fuel development for the company’s auto group, while the launch of the Rapide E electric car has been delayed.

The company also announced plans to restart its subsidiary Lagonda, which will launch a new version of its electric car in 2025.

It is worth noting that Aston Martin has faced several obstacles since it ended the acquisition of Rapide E in 2015, while Aston Martin previously announced plans to launch 155 Rapide E in 2019 and then again earlier this month. Back to announce that this car has become a research project only.

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