youyeetoo Nanopi R1S Portable DIY Router
youyeetoo Nanopi R1S Portable DIY Router

youyeetoo Nanopi R1S Portable DIY Router Technical index

  • NanoPi RIS has 512MB DDR3 RAM, 2Gbps Ethernet connectivity, 2.4Gb built-in WLAN, etc.
  • We have switched OpenWrt system to NanoPi R1S and introduced build system for assembly and customization.
  • By applying a few simple configurations, you act as a router. Users can easily add more features and use it for DAN apps, game acceleration, personal NAS apps, remote control, smart home gateway, DIY projects and more.
  • In addition to FriendlyWRT, NanoPi RIS can also be used with Ubuntu Core and Armbian. The USB can be expanded to connect a 4G device, for use with a USB camera, or to boot from a TF card.

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