Google begins testing Stadia on non-pixel series phones
Google begins testing Stadia on non-pixel series phones

Google has started testing Stadia game service on smartphones without the Pixel series.

In the past few weeks, this screen has been shown as an option under the orange play button for Estadia users who do not use pixel phones. This option overwrites the previous "Location" option, which recommends using Chromecast Ultra or a PC.

These users can start the game over Wi-Fi when connected to the platform controller or a third-party console. However, access to the service took only one session because the "this screen" option disappeared after leaving the game.

What appears to happen to users is another Google test to bring the platform to other smartphones. I am currently unable to participate in the platform beta program. However, some smartphone users are: (OnePlus 6T), OnePlus 6T, (Galaxy S10e), Galaxy S10e, and (Galaxy Note 9) Galaxy can access the platform.

It should be noted that Google said last November that it intended to provide the stadium to all phones, but it first began to use pixel phones to help them improve their experience. Then in 2020 it was released to all users.

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