Recently, there have been many rumors about the upcoming flagship product Xperia 3 in 2020. The Geekbench platform has now provided the phone with specs, perhaps using the Snapdragon 865 chip and 12 GB of RAM.  memory.

The phone is displayed on the platform like PM-1310, while Sony is shown on the version number of Xperia 1 PM-122X.

As mentioned in the list, there are four versions of the phone, one of which supports the 5G network, Sony can resume using a curved background and because I mentioned many leaks, the screen quality may be in QHD, because the phone of the previous period illustrates the wide design of the S using six cameras  As shown

The Xperia 3 can be described as the Xperia 0 and is one of the four major programs that Sony 2020 wants to put on the market.

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